Freedom from hurts, hang-ups, and habits. Celebrate Recovery meets every Tuesday night and provides a healing, safe environment for adults affected by hurts, hang-ups, and habits. At Celebrate Recovery, you will hear about the healing power of Jesus Christ.

Our desire is to be a community of people transformed by the love of Jesus. We absolutely believe that life is better together! We were created to be in community with one another. Because of this, we have Community Groups that meet throughout the year in various locations and we want you to be a part of it!

MomCo, a ministry of MOPS International, meet Thursday mornings throughout the school year. This group is for moms with kids infant through school-aged children. They feature biblical teaching, connecting time with other moms, and an opportunity to fill your tank while your children are being cared for on-site.

START is a three-part journey designed to help you grow as a follower of Christ, learn more about New Covenant, and find your place in the family of God! You will watch three videos with the goal of strengthening your faith, understanding the heartbeat of New Covenant and stepping into a diverse community that is being transformed by the love of Jesus.

Our kids need a safe, loving environment where they can be cared for, prayed for, and learn about Jesus. Covenant Kids is a fun place for your kids to be while you are in service!
For Infant - TK and K-5th Grade
This is available during the 9am and 10:30am Sunday morning services.
For Infant - TK and K-5th Grade
This is available during the 9am and 10:30am Sunday morning services.

We know that the Middle School and High School years can be kind of awkward. Many young people are unsure of who they are or where they fit. We know that God has a good plan for these kids and our desire is that they will learn to love Him, love themselves, and love others. We are committed to developing young people who…put God first, live with a purpose, push past the distractions of this world, have fun, and serve others with a joyful heart.
For 6th-12th Grade
YTH meets every Sunday night from 6pm-7:30pm.
For 6th-12th Grade
YTH meets every Sunday night from 6pm-7:30pm.