Ministries We Support
New Covenant takes 17% of the general tithe and offering (online giving, in person giving, etc) and we use those funds to financially support ministries, missionaries and organizations. This may come in the form of a one time donation or a monthly commitment. We have committed to financially support missionaries, ministries, and organizations on a monthly basis. They are local, national and international! Click on the button below to learn more about them!
Anyone can help with these outreaches!
Beacon Of Hope
We serve a meal at the Beacon of Hope Men's Homeless Shelter once a month.
Free Oil Change
Every October, we offer a free oil change for single moms and widows. Laughlin Auto Repair along with Tom Donney Motors provide the space and the lifts, and we supply the manpower. This is a great opportunity to help our community!
The Giving Tree
Every December, we partner with Upper Des Moines Opportunity to bring Christmas gifts to families! You simply take a name off of the tree and buy gifts! Because of your generosity, we are able to buy gifts for around 100 people each year!
Meals on Wheels
We deliver meals to the elderly about every 6 weeks through Meals on Wheels.
Feed My Starving Children
Every December, we partner with Community Christian School and other local churches to do a MobilePack for Feed My Starving Children. A MobilePack gives you the chance to instill compassion in your community and improve the lives of malnourished children.
Community Manna Meal
The Community Manna Meal is held at First United Methodist Church. The evening consists of a short devotional, meal, and Bingo! We help with this event once a year, both donating items and facilitating the evening.