Community Groups are an important part of what we do as a church. We believe that life change occurs as we are growing in a relationship with Christ. This happens best when we are in relationships with others who are seeking this same goal. Community Groups provide you with the opportunity to connect with others and grow in your relationship with Christ.

  • Card Playing: Meets one or two Fridays/month, 6:30pm, here at NCCC. Watch the video announcements and check the events page to know which Fridays they are meeting.

  • Men: One Monday/month, 6pm, here at NCCC. Watch the video announcements and check the events page to know which Monday they are meeting.

  • Women: Meets Wednesdays at 10:30am at 1161 Fox Ridge Dr., Fort Dodge. Watch the video announcements and check the events page to find out more information.

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